Sunday, June 12, 2011

Travel Update #2

Made it to London safely. The flight felt longer coming back than it did going out. I don't think anyone got more than an hour of sleep and it is 8:30AM here already. But we've all gotten some food and coffee, so we're feeling pretty good. One more flight to go!

P.S. I will write a comprehensive post about our visit to Victoria Falls later. But I did want to share that while we were shopping near the falls afterwards, John was attacked by a male alpha baboon! He's completely fine and was not at all hurt, but it has had us laughing all day and night just remembering it! The baboon walked up to him, took a swipe at the bag in his hand, and was trying to get something John had just bought. John tried to swing the bag away from the baboon and then threw it up on the hood of the car. As the baboon went for the bag, a Zambian suddenly showed up with a sling-shot and scared it away. I didn't see this happen, but it sounds hilarious! You need to hear John tell the story.

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